How To Measure And Cut Crown Molding For Kitchen Cabinets. Protractor for measuring the angles of corners Cut Crown Molding for Kitchen Cabinets Cutting crown molding for topping kitchen cabinets tends to be easier than cutting it for walls, because, unlike most walls, the square angles on cabinets actually are square. Installing crown molding in your home or on a project?

Once you set the miter saw to make a cut along the bisection line, you can gauge your needed crown molding length by taking the tape measure and running it from one corner to the next.
Enhance the Look of your Cabinets.
You don't want this molding to pull off the cabinet if someone pulls or pushes on it when moving the cabinet, for example. And the saw was in the same room. lol I finally settled for caulking to get it right. Therefore, when adjusting the saw for out of square corners, the user needs to only adjust the miter system, as opposed to both miter and bevel systems when laying crown materials flat.